Associate Professor
Tharathon Mongkhonsi
รศ.ดร.ธราธร มงคลศรี
Ph.D. (Imperial, UK)
(+662) 218-6867
Topics of Interest:
Catalysis Partial Oxidation,
Mydroxylation using TS-1
Assistant Professor
Suphot Patthanasri
ผศ.ดร.สุพจน์ พัฒนะศรี
D.Eng (Kyoto, Japan)
(+662) 218-6890
Topics of Interest:
Synthetic Zeolites Preparation and Their Applications
Palang Bumroongsakulsawat
อ.ดร.พลัง บำรุงสกุลสวัสดิ์
Ph.D. (Imperial, UK)
Topics of Interest:
Non-faradaic Electrochemical Modification of Catalytic Activity (NEMCA), Electrochemistry
Assistant Professor
Pattaraporn Kim-Lohsoontorn
ผศ.ดร.ภัทรพร คิม-โล่ห์สุนทร
Ph.D. (Imperial, UK)
Topics of Interest:
Hydrogen production technology
Fuel cell science and engineering
CO2 utilization
Energy conversion technology
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Center of Excellence on Catalysis and Catalytic Reaction Engineering (CECC)
Second metals (Lanthanum, Cerium, and Yttrium) modified W/SiO2 catalysts for metathesis of ethylene and 2-butene
Poovarawan, N., Suriye, K., Panpranot, J., (...), Aires, F.J.C.S., Praserthdam, P.
Catalysis Today
309, pp. 43-50
Photocatalytic activity of Nitrogen and Silica doping on TiO2nanocatalyst and grafted onto PMMA film
Klaysri, R., Preechawan, V., Thammachai, N., Praserthdam, P., Mekasuwandumrong, O.
Materials Chemistry and Physics
211, pp. 420-427
An assessment of the longevity of samarium cobalt trioxide perovskite catalyst during the conversion of greenhouse gases into syngas
Osazuwa, O.U., Khan, M.R., Lam, S.S., Assabumrungrat, S., Cheng, C.K.
Journal of Cleaner Production
185, pp. 576-587
Process and cost modeling of lactic acid recovery from fermentation broths by membrane-based process
Phanthumchinda, N., Thitiprasert, S., Tanasupawat, S., Assabumrungrat, S., Thongchul, N.
Process Biochemistry
68, pp. 205-213
Metabolic responses of Aspergillus terreus under low dissolved oxygen and pH levels
Songserm, P., Karnchanatat, A., Thitiprasert, S., (...), Yang, S.-T., Thongchul, N.
Annals of Microbiology
68(4), pp. 195-205
Molecular simulations of a CO2/CO mixture in MIL-127
Chokbunpiam, T., Fritzsche, S., Parasuk, V., Caro, J., Assabumrungrat, S.
Chemical Physics Letters
696, pp. 86-91
Graphene Oxide and Microwave Synergism for Efficient Esterification of Fatty Acids
Quitain, A.T., Sumigawa, Y., Mission, E.G., (...), Assabumrungrat, S., Kida, T.
Energy and Fuels
32(3), pp. 3599-3607
Visible light active photocatalytic C-doped titanium dioxide films deposited via reactive pulsed DC magnetron co-sputtering: Properties and photocatalytic activity
Ratova, M., Klaysri, R., Praserthdam, P., Kelly, P.J.
149, pp. 214-224
A modeling study of module arrangement and experimental investigation of single stage module for physical absorption of biogas using hollow fiber membrane contactors
Tantikhajorngosol, P., Laosiripojana, N., Jiraratananon, R., Assabumrungrat, S.
Journal of Membrane Science
549, pp. 283-294
The H2-treated TiO2supported Pt catalysts prepared by strong electrostatic adsorption for liquid-phase selective hydrogenation
Kuhaudomlap, S., Mekasuwandumrong, O., Praserthdam, P., (...), Arai, M., Panpranot, J.
The low temperature selective oxidation of H2S to elemental sulfur on TiO2supported V2O5catalysts
Pongthawornsakun, B., Phatyenchuen, S., Panpranot, J., Praserthdam, P.
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
6(1), pp. 1414-1423
Microstructures and photocatalytic properties of ZnO films fabricated by Zn electrodeposition and heat treatment
Wanotayan, T., Panpranot, J., Qin, J., Boonyongmaneerat, Y.
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing
74, pp. 232-237
Effect of pretreatment atmosphere of WOx/SiO2 catalysts on metathesis of ethylene and 2-butene to propylene
Gayapan, K., Sripinun, S., Panpranot, J., Praserthdam, P., Assabumrungrat, S.
RSC Advances
8(21), pp. 11693-11704
Production of ethylene through ethanol dehydration on sba-15 catalysts synthesized by sol-gel and one-step hydrothermal methods
Autthanit, C., Jongsomjit, B.
Journal of Oleo Science
67(2), pp. 235-243
Variability of particle configurations achievable by 2-nozzle flame syntheses of the Au-Pd-TiO2 system and their catalytic behaviors in the selective hydrogenation of acetylene
Pongthawornsakun, B., Mekasuwandumrong, O., Santos Aires, F.J.C., (...), Pratsinis, S.E., Panpranot, J.
Applied Catalysis A: General
549, pp. 1-7
Theoretical aspects in structural distortion and the electronic properties of lithium peroxide under high pressure
Jimlim, P., Kotmool, K., Pinsook, U., (...), Ahuja, R., Bovornratanaraks, T.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
20(14), pp. 9488-9497

Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Chulalongkorn University
Phayathai Road, Pathumwan,
Bangkok 10330, Thailand

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